gut busting guppies w/ mysis?


has anyone every thought of/ tried gut busting the sh*t out of guppys with mysis and feeding them to baby s. Bandensis it was just a thought, any one know if it would work or tried it?
Guppies will not work at all as food for baby cuttles. A newborn cuttle is about the size of roosevelt's head on a dime.
Guppies may be fine for snacks, but unless you are breeding them yourself they are not a good ceph food as they are often treated with copper.
Good point Thales.

Also, I hope I'm not mistaken, but wouldn't the guppie's actual nutritional content still be a bit off-ideal even if gut loaded with mysis? Why not feed mysis? If your cuttles have grown why not feed larger shrimp?
Yeah, I was thinking just feed them mysis. Though I don't know if you are meaning live mysis or not. Live mysis are amazing as baby cuttle food from my experience and from what others like Thales have advised me.