My, oh my, how morality has been skewed since I was first learning right from wrong. The owners of these tanks have a responsibility to warn could be victims of this guys lies that he had something to do with your hard earned expertise in creating works of science and art. The easiest way to do this is to shut him down. If he has not done that himself at the first hour of learning of his false advertisement, then someone has to do it for him before he rips off some awe inspired innocents in Atlanta.
Its not an issue of a free internet / poster beware, it it false representation of his abilities.
Hope this helps in some way. I am not trying to insult anyone, just calling it as I see it from what I read here.
Now if he is 'cool' and what not, then he needs to give credit to the owners of those tanks he means to imitate.
Its not an issue of a free internet / poster beware, it it false representation of his abilities.
Hope this helps in some way. I am not trying to insult anyone, just calling it as I see it from what I read here.
Now if he is 'cool' and what not, then he needs to give credit to the owners of those tanks he means to imitate.