Hair Algae - Help

Llama 72

I have been overrun with hair algae in my 110g tall tank. I purchased some Flux Rx today. After reading the directions, it says do not use if you have a refugium or macroalgae and I have both. What should I do?
I responded to your post in another thread. But, my fuge is separate from the rest of my system so I simply took it offline. IOW, I turned off the pump supplying water to the fuge.

If you can’t do that, I would just temporarily remove as much of the macro as possible until treatment is done. The Fluconazole MAY kill macroalgae. I will tell you, it did not kill the grape Caulerpa that was in my DT.
I have been overrun with hair algae in my 110g tall tank. I purchased some Flux Rx today. After reading the directions, it says do not use if you have a refugium or macroalgae and I have both. What should I do?
You need to understand the root cause or after treatment, it just returns.
Check your nutrients levels first to determined if they are unstable,zero or off the scales.

The treatment is just to kill the algae, but, you take with that, the good stuff as well.

Put your nutrients in the ranges, 5-15ppm nitrate and .05-.15ppm phosphate and keep stable.
Ensure ALK and Salinity don’t change.

Ensure any white light is minimized.

Dose pods once.

Dose live Phyto daily.
Well, I put all my macro in a bucket with a pump. It had been 5 days. When should I starting putting it back in the refugium?
Has the HA died off? If so, I would do a water change, change out GFO and Carbon (if you use them), wait a day and then add the macro back in.

If the HA has not died off, I would wait until it does and then proceed as above.

Of course, others may have other opinions on this and I'd love to hear those as well. Since Fluconazole is actually to treat fungal infections in fish, most of our knowledge about using it for Bryopsis and HA has been through trial and error over the years.
I treated the tank 9 days ago. Over half of the HA is gone. The remainder is starting to lighten up.
Now my dumb question, I normally do water changes evert other Sunday. Should i wait until 14 days of treatment or is it ok if i do the normal water change?