hair green algea


New member
iam cycling a tank i am using zeolite carbon phospate minus bios and i am in 17 day of the cycle parameter are

ammonia 0
no2 0
nitrates 10
po4 0.5

i have some hair green algea how can i rid of it as i have on sand and rock
Are you using RO/DI water?

What brand of test kits are you using?

What kind of lighting are you using?

How long does your lights stay on during each day?
yes i am using 0 tds water

test po4 hanna
other salifert

light i was giving 8 hrs a day but now i turn it off for the past 1 week and hair alges still there
iam cycling a tank i am using zeolite carbon phospate minus bios and i am in 17 day of the cycle parameter are

ammonia 0
no2 0
nitrates 10
po4 0.5

i have some hair green algea how can i rid of it as i have on sand and rock

Is the rock dead or live? Did you acid wash, bleach, then soak in RODI before installing if dead? Is your sand live or dead? If dead, did you soak and rinse several time in RODI? If not, this will take time, sounds like leaching phosphate bound within either rock or sand, or both...
i used carabsea dry rock and aragonite not live sand. is there any products that i should start using to remove it?
Yes, I have learned the hard way with dry rock that it must be cleaned properly to avoid binding phosphate. It is best to have dipped in muriatic acid, I then rinse, then soak in bleach for 24 hours, then soak in RODI for several days, then dry under the sun. This method may seem tedious, but dry rock can come in with some nasty die off or bound nutrients within, best practice is to sterilize before use, IMO. Now that the tank is wet, it can take time for the program to ultimately get to the source of leaching, and hair algae can fuel on nutrients. If this should be the case, I would make sure to introduce sea hairs, turbo snails, hermits, urchins, and any other fish or invert that will feed on the hair algae. Best of luck, let us know the course you choose :)