Hairy Mushrooms- Rhodactis sp Q.

I'm thinking about setting up a 15 gallon with a 4 lamp T-5 fixture similar to a Nova, 4x 24 watts. The tank would only be 12 inches deep. Think this would be good for a ricordea/hairy mushroom only tank? Maybe with some star polyps, I have those growing everywhere....even on the glass.
Hey guys I got a new phone for Christmas and it happens to have a camera so here's a picture of my Hairy Mushroom after it attached to the rock and I moved it up.

Hairy Mushroom-



Thanks. I just cleaned the glass, moved around some of the mushrooms, opened up some area on the left for light to get through (you can't see the cabbage leather on the left), and I just got 4 new mushrooms and waiting for them to attach in the bottom right area (low flow). I'll have a new pic in a couple days.
Nice tank Lance M.! Here is pic of my hairy's. Used to be size of plate but split. They are my Maroons property. He won't even let me get a pic without him in it. Got a new camera and these were first tries after x-mas.

Nice. My neighbor has some like that. I'm gonna probably take one from him sometime. The one I have I took from him and he has those (brown with neon green tentacles) and the ones like you have green with brown tentacles.