Does any one have an opinion about which 250W halide HQI lamps bring out coral (mostly SPS) fluorescence and colors best? I recently purchased an 72in Aqua Medic Oceanlight with 4 x 250 Watt HQIs (Aqualine 10Ks) and 4 x 39 watt T5s (Aquamedic Ocean Blues) for my 215. The Aqualine 10K are supposed to be very good and although they are very bright and very white I get almost no fluorescence out of my corals and the 4 T5s don’t seem to help out all that much against the 1000 watts of HQIs. The colors in general seem kind of drab, I’ve bought really cool looking Acroporas at my LFS but when I put them in my tank that don’t look that great at all. My water parameters are almost perfect and everything is growing pretty fast, the colors just don’t look very good. I’m thinking of switching out two of the 10Ks for something bluer like the Giesemann Megachrome Blues or Ushio 20Ks. I’ve also heard that a lot of people like the Phoenix 14Ks and have thought about those as well. I will probably be switching out the Ocean Blues T5s with something like the ATI True Actinics sometime too. Basically I’m looking for opinions as to what you would run for 4 x 250W HQIs and 4 x 39W T5s over a 30 in deep tank that would bring out the best colors and fluorescence in SPS corals.