Halimeda Going Poof!! Looks Like A Dandelion

Team Slug

New member
I have a a coulle clumps of halimeda that came on some live rock. It is really starting to take off, along with some sargassum and bryopsis (yuck). On one particular rock there are two clumps of halimeda and they are starting to sprout white, poofy, dandelion looking stuff at each segment. There are also quite a few long, thin, white "hairs" growing from the clumps.

This is the second time in a month that these two clumps have done it. The last time it happened one of the clumps almost double in size in a week or two and a few new clumps started to grow, but quickly turned white and died. None of the other halimeda clumps do this (yet).

Is this anything to be concerned about?