In Memoriam
My pops is taking down his tank temporarily and allowed me to frag a nice sized Hammer colony he grew out from only two little heads. I've got two on plugs and two on rocks.
The two that are on plugs have three heads each. And one of those two already has 6 little heads growing out. The other frag on a plug also has three heads but only has one baby growing out the side.
These pics were taken right when the light came on to show the babies, otherwise when fully expanded they completely cover the plugs.
The other two frags are glued to nice coraline covered rocks, one has two heads. $25
The other has one head and one baby growing out the side. $20.
No shipping, local pick up or we can meet up.
The two that are on plugs have three heads each. And one of those two already has 6 little heads growing out. The other frag on a plug also has three heads but only has one baby growing out the side.


These pics were taken right when the light came on to show the babies, otherwise when fully expanded they completely cover the plugs.
The other two frags are glued to nice coraline covered rocks, one has two heads. $25
The other has one head and one baby growing out the side. $20.
No shipping, local pick up or we can meet up.
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