hangin arms.~


Active member
will these two "Current USA`s Hanging Arm System" and "AquaticLife Stand Light Fixture Hanger" work with ATI lighting system?~ (24 inch)~
Hi Moga - they will work with the ATI, but it will depend on how far forward you want it on your tank. If this set up works for you, you can't go wrong here, it's easy to install and adjustable. Here's a photo to illustrate.

Let us know if you have any questions. There are several options here, including a custom built unit that you can make yourself. If you do a search here on RC for "tree lamp" you'll find some great instructions for some DIY options. Also, here's a blog for a step by step if you're up to doing a DIY http://www.remsreef.com/2011/04/lamp-tree-as-easy-as-1-2-3.html and http://www.remsreef.com/2011/03/diy-lamp-tree.html

Happy Reefing!!!
