Hanna Calcium reagent


Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows if the Hanna Calcium reagents vendors are carrying nowadays is a new version or if anything has changed with them. Because they were out of stock for some time and there were rumors that hanna was revamping the calcium reagent pack, not sure if it is true?
Are they any more accurate then the past reagents?

Yes, everything that is in stock with us now is indeed the new reagents from Hanna. I'm not sure about other vendors though.
Hey Jeremy, do you know if there is anything different between the older reagents and the latest release?
Are they more accurate?
Has the proceedure changed at all?
Thanks for the quick response Jeremy, I'm curious to find out the differences between them.
Also nothing has changed with the Hanna Alk reagents correct?
I didn't hear back today, I'm sorry. They were most likely on a skeleton crew with a short week, so it might be Monday until I hear something. Nothing changed on the unit itself, and only the reagent was slightly modified, I know that much.

The Alk reagents went through a revision about 2 to 2.5 years ago.
I was thinking about ordering the hanna alk, calcium and phosphate checkers this weekend. Are these any good or do I stick with salifert?
I have been using the Hanna Alk & Calcium checkers for about a year..... the alk has been consistent in its readings from day one, The calcium on the other hand took a little time to understand the instructions fully, also I've adapted my own steps into the procedure like counting the liquid reagent in drops as I add it so I add the same exact amount each time and also as a last step I rinse the pipets with rodi water after cleaning so as to avoid mineral deposits from tap water drying inside of them. I've found this has helped with getting more consistent readings on the calcium checker.
Jeremy please let me know when you hear back from Hanna, I'de like to know if anything has changed.
Also I placed my order this past weds but am still waiting for shipment confirmation.... I'm sure your busy with holiday orders, let me know.
i have all three of the hanna checkers and really like them easy to use you can't go wrong.like whitesquall will take time to get the step down right but it is easy to use too.
I was thinking about ordering the hanna alk, calcium and phosphate checkers this weekend. Are these any good or do I stick with salifert?

ALK and Phosphate checkers are good. But for CAL salifert is much easier and very consistent. CAL procedure is too long and requires RODI.
All that Hanna would confirm with me today is that they changed the reagent, they would not elaborate as to what they changed about it specifically. They did confirm no changes at all to the checker.