Hanna Checkers

Now that I am not on my phone I can see you have the 713 which reads in ppm. If I remember correctly that reads at a variance of +/- .5. It is possible that you are always getting 0.0 because the PO4 is that low. To get a more accurate reading if you know anybody in your area that has and might let you borrow the 736 which reads in ppb that will give you a more accurate reading.
Now that I am not on my phone I can see you have the 713 which reads in ppm. If I remember correctly that reads at a variance of +/- .5. It is possible that you are always getting 0.0 because the PO4 is that low. To get a more accurate reading if you know anybody in your area that has and might let you borrow the 736 which reads in ppb that will give you a more accurate reading.

Wow, well how would one know about the different models? I just ordered from Marinedepot. So my test kit is irrelevant? I bought it to get accurate measurement. Did I waste my money, what now?
Wow, well how would one know about the different models? I just ordered from Marinedepot. So my test kit is irrelevant? I bought it to get accurate measurement. Did I waste my money, what now?

I don't think you wasted your money its just not as accurate. Anytime I am going to buy something I research I almost bought the same Hanna Checker but first I came here to RC and did some searching and reading on them and that's when I found out about the Ultra Low Range PO4 Meter.
I don't think you wasted your money its just not as accurate. Anytime I am going to buy something I research I almost bought the same Hanna Checker but first I came here to RC and did some searching and reading on them and that's when I found out about the Ultra Low Range PO4 Meter.

Dang! So it's either spend more money or wait for my P04 to go up that this one would read? That sucks!
I have a 713 and love it.
I wish that I had readings of PO4 that low.
My tanks normally run in the 1.5-2.5 range.
At 1.5 very little algae, above 2.5 start to get algae issues.
I think kissman forgot a zero. The variance on the 713 is +/- 0.04 ppm. So if you are under 0.04 then it might read 0.0.
Wow, well how would one know about the different models? I just ordered from Marinedepot. So my test kit is irrelevant? I bought it to get accurate measurement. Did I waste my money, what now?

You didn't waste your money. How does your tank look? if everything looks good and you're getting a 0.0 reading then you're fine. Yes it can be +- 5ppm but realistically you can judge this just by observing your tank. Do you run any GFO?
You didn't waste your money. How does your tank look? if everything looks good and you're getting a 0.0 reading then you're fine. Yes it can be +- 5ppm but realistically you can judge this just by observing your tank. Do you run any GFO?

I did until I started running biopellets. My tank looks good now, it is only 5 months old so I just want to be able to keep on eye on the levels coralline is growing so I guess that's a good sign, thanks.
The variance on the 713 is +/- 0.04 ppm. I believe the 736 ULR is more accurate and reads in ppb. IME- accepatble range is sub .02 ppm or 20ppb. higher can inhibit SPS growth.
I did until I started running biopellets. My tank looks good now, it is only 5 months old so I just want to be able to keep on eye on the levels coralline is growing so I guess that's a good sign, thanks.

Yep it sounds like you are doing good. It took me about 4 months of very heavy feeding to get my Po4 up and I didn't run any media. So a tank at 5 months running pellets without po4 is normal. Just keep up on testing. Don't sweat trying to reach a certain number on a test kit. 0 is fine.
If you are seeing .04 and less your doing pretty good. If you had .1 phos, trust me you would see it. why is it you think you do not have 0?

•Range: 0.00 to 2.50 ppm (mg/L)
•Resolution: 0.01 ppm (mg/L)
•Precision: ±0.04 ppm (mg/L) ±4% of reading @ 25°C
•Light Source: LED @ 525 nm
•Light Detector: Silicon photocell
•Environment: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F); RH max 95% non-condensing
•Battery Type: (1) 1.5V AAA
•Auto-off: After 2 minutes of non-use and after read
•Dimensions: 81.5 x 61 x 37.5 mm (3.2 x 2.4 x 1.5")
•Weight: 64 g (2.25 oz.)
•Method: Adaptation of Standard Method 4500-P E.
If you are seeing .04 and less your doing pretty good. If you had .1 phos, trust me you would see it. why is it you think you do not have 0?

"¢Range: 0.00 to 2.50 ppm (mg/L)
"¢Resolution: 0.01 ppm (mg/L)
"¢Precision: ±0.04 ppm (mg/L) ±4% of reading @ 25°C
"¢Light Source: LED @ 525 nm
"¢Light Detector: Silicon photocell
"¢Environment: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F); RH max 95% non-condensing
"¢Battery Type: (1) 1.5V AAA
"¢Auto-off: After 2 minutes of non-use and after read
"¢Dimensions: 81.5 x 61 x 37.5 mm (3.2 x 2.4 x 1.5")
"¢Weight: 64 g (2.25 oz.)
"¢Method: Adaptation of Standard Method 4500-P E.

I don't know, just seems to good to be true I guess.