Happy Father's Day to all the Zoa Dads


2003 TOTM Recipient
Premium Member
Wishing each of our Zoa dads a Happy Father's Day. Make it a great day, enjoy your families, and safe reefing always.

Mucho Reef
Hi Mucho, well thanks alot and you have a great day also,:celeb3:, and all you dads out there remember, anyone can be a Father, but but life starts when your children call you Dad !:celeb3:
Does it count if my "babies" are my zoas, because I'm a happy father!!! lol Happy fathers day to all you dads out there!
Thx mucho!!

I will be spending the day out on the lake, in the pontoon, and the ladies will be fixing up fajitas when we get back!!
happy fathers day all! no kiddies here but if you consider all my tanks, dog and cat im a father too :lol:

i hope every body has a great fathers day and enjoys the time that is spent with each other.
Well, I hope it was a great day for you guys.

Can't believe only 7 people replied for father's day wishes, wow.
Hope everyone had a great Father's Day! Nothing overly special happened at our house, but my recently turned 2 year old daughter was more than happy to give her Daddy lots of hugs yesterday.

Free time... Not sure what that is anymore... LOL