Happy Thanksgiving!


New member
Well its not Thanksgiving yet but I will be busy all day tomorrow with family and friends so I am just wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a great time with family and friends. Take care,

Everyone Have a Happy and Safe Turkey Day!! By any chance I am just curious did anyone hear on the news about an explosion in Danvers Ma on the news? It happened about 1 mile from my house. After seeing what I saw I can not believe that no lives where lost and that is what I am thankfull for..
Happy Thanksgiving FMAS and RC friends! I wonder if my anenome would like some turkey for a change lol. Looking forward to next weeks meeting!
ditto/ i'll b tryin to attend d meeting but busy schedule may preclude me from it. joining is still an option online right. How to?
Happy Thanks Giving, we have a lot to give thanks for including the advise. friendship and willingness to help on this board.