Hard white curly growth "strangling" zoanthid?


New member
I have a strange issue with a zoanthid that i have in a quarantine tank. I noticed some of the polyps were irritated by what looked to be vermatid, there was also some white hair like stuff curled around some of the polyps, while i was dealing with the vermatid i decided to try to remove the white curly stuff. I was surprised to find it was hard and snapped off easily when i picked at it. I cant get a picture of it because its to small for my camera, but the best way i can describe it is pubic hair made of bone. I dont even know if it is growing/alive or not.

i have searched around to see if i can find anything like it but i am not having much success.
does anyone know what this could be and if it is alive/harmful?
Hmm, without a pic, it could be several things.

How long would you say they are, 1/16, 1/8 etc?

Are they all white?

Do they cause irritation to the point that the polyps will retract?

If you can remove them, can you take one to your LFS and maybe they can help ID it for you?

Without a picture, I'm sure no one wants to give you the wrong answer here.

Keep us posted though.

is it like a featherduster kind of white curly and with tiny little hairs at the end of curl ?
it looks smaller and without the hairs.

Hmm, without a pic, it could be several things.

How long would you say they are, 1/16, 1/8 etc?

Are they all white?

Do they cause irritation to the point that the polyps will retract?

If you can remove them, can you take one to your LFS and maybe they can help ID it for you?

Without a picture, I'm sure no one wants to give you the wrong answer here.

Keep us posted though.


the longest ones were about 1cm , say 1/2 inch long,
and they do irritate the polyps, and seem to stick to the stem (for want of better words) of the polyps, not sure if its the polyp expanding/growing into the "white things". And yes they are all white.


ok ok i get it, pics, im not sure you can see anything in this pic because the quality is low. This is a picture i took after i split the colony and removed most of the white stuff. To help judge the scale, these are small polyps about 1/4 inch in diameter and no more than 1/2 inch.

thank you for replying.


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