Harlequin Shrimp question


Asternia population blooming lately, seeing them more and more on my glass numbering in the dozens.

Hearing that the Harlequin shrimp will dine on these guys but per live aquaria they may also go after urchins? I like my tuxedo urchins, do I need to be concerned here?
I hate the idea of buying a fish/invert for a purpose without a plan for after. Not sure about Urchins and Harlequins, but I'd make sure you have a decent environment for the shrimp and a constant supply of food for them post asterina.

In my opinion, just suck them (asterinas) out during waterchanges.
That would have been a follow up question - how fast will a harlequin tear through asternias, I have a 220, quite a few of these guys in here. Mostly interested in first question if they will go after the urchins with an abundant supply of asternia's.

And with them multiplying how long would it be before he runs out of food source?

Not interested in chasing them out during water changes.
don't know about the urchin, the Harlequin will make fast work of the Asterina population, then you need to feed it regularly or it will die. Then the Asterina population will rebound because the Harlequin will be sure to leave a few behind
A Harlequin's diet consists only of starfish. Your urchin will be fine. Afterwards (6-8 months after it eats all asterinas) all you have to do is feed it a leg every couple of weeks. Lots of people keep several sand sifting stars and rotate them for that purpose (cut off a leg at a time), or if you have a sump, you can do the same with chocolate chip stars. HTH