Harlequin Tuskfish, tank mates


Hi I can use some help.

I have a seven year old Harlequin Tuskfish that has been the only fish in the tank now for close to 2yrs maybe even longer .
I was wanting to add maybe at least 2 more fish to the tank.
So my question is, what would be the best 2 candidates to go into the tank with him? Knowing he's going to probably be aggressive. Since the tank is just his.
Tank size is a 180 gallon.

Thanks for any help.

Harlequin will be aggressive towards any new additions unless and no guarantee, if the new fish are larger in size.
My Harlequin is not aggressive toward new fish or inverts unless they are bite size. When I add small fishes and shrimps, I add them in the evening after the Tusk went to bed. I had multiple Tusk, the current one I raised from 1 inch. Have to keep him in QT and have to cut mysis into small segment because the whole mysis was too larger for him to eat. He is now about 5 inches. I recently added a pair of CB Majestic Angels at about 1 inch in size. I did not even consider if he will eat them. He was fine with them. Both doing very well right in their new home. My tank is a 320 gal tank.
It goes without saying that the Harlequin Tusk needs to be well fed and not hungry and hunting for food. However, been full will not stop him from eating dazed, disoriented small bitesize fish that just get dump into a tank, so you must add them when he is as sleep.