has anyone ever seen white people eaters

Yes I have some they are truly white and not bleached.
<img src="http://i518.photobucket.com/albums/u343/greatreefs/whitepe-1.jpg" height="400" width=500">
IMO, there are no "white" corals. It means a lack of zooxanthellae, ie: bleached.

Thanks for your opinion.

Plerogyra sinuosa

Carijoa riisei

Trikentrion flabelliforme


Metridium farcimen (anemone - still have zooxanthellae)

Urticina piscivora (anemone - still have zooxanthellae)
I had some cheap palys from the LFS that I put in my 2 gal QT tank and forgot that I had put furan 2 and didn't do water changes..they bleached like crazy but didn't die...kind of cool looking...2 months later they are still alive and well a little color coming back but basically still white...albino palys! :lolspin:
If you look on http://www.zoaid.comthere are a bunch of zoanthids and palys with white pigments in them. They aren't bleached. So what is the purpose of the white coloration then right? There are definitely white zoanthids and palys. Usually bleached zoanthids have an almost clear transparent look to them.
Pics of white polyps or white tentacles on colored corals don't count. ;)

I can play your game...

The Trikentrion flabelliforme is a known symbiotic relationship between sponge and white zoanthids of the Parazoanthus axinellae species.

I'm not trying to be argumentative, but your earlier statement is just not true. I will agree that most people stating they have white corals are bleached, especially the OP of the renegade reefers link i posted.
Ok, so that species isn't bleached, per se, but it white due to the lack of zooxanthellae in them. In what way is it symbiotic? Aren't they more a parasitic host to the sponge, living off it's zooxanthellae? And I thought this was about white zoas, not corals with white pigments in them.
Pufferpunk; they're not on the site at the moment, but AlohaCorals definatly had pure-white people eaters for sale a few months back. I've seen a few come and go from the LFS also. No, they were not bleached. If I must, I will search for photo documentation just to tickle your fancy! ;)
Ok, so that species isn't bleached, per se, but it white due to the lack of zooxanthellae in them. In what way is it symbiotic? Aren't they more a parasitic host to the sponge, living off it's zooxanthellae? And I thought this was about white zoas, not corals with white pigments in them.

This was about Zoas, until you said:

"IMO, there are no "white" corals."

stay on topic. [wink]