Has anyone used NLS Hex-Shield to cure internal parasites? I just placed an order


New member
Hey guys

So after close to 10 months now, it seems my clownfish still suffer from internal parasites. They have long stringy white poo, but they have a good appetite, and don't seem to be wasting away. I have tried PraziPro treatments, and tried to bind my own medicated food with the powder, Metro. That didn't work so I was looking into buying some medicated food recently, either in flake/pellet/etc. form. Maybe I just suck at mixing my own

I just found that New Life Spectrum sells medicated pellet food called "HEX Shield" for internal parasites. Other forums said it contains Metro as the main ingredient.



But according to this link, I don't see Metro as part of the ingredient list. I just placed an order and wanted to know if anyone here has had success with the product. Or maybe a more informed user here can tell me if that ingredient list could be hazardous to my fish.