You should be using a tripod on these unless youare shooting faster than 1/300
Also when you say 800 iso dues to the extreemly bright light it seems you got the concept of ISO backwards, if you have very bright light it allows you to bring down your iso resulting in a less noisy image (still you have no noise in your pics) and then compensate by either using a faster shutter to freeze the action or maybe a smaller aperture (bigger number) to get more deapth of field. yo uare using 100 which very slow when using 300mm focal length. also you are using 5.6 aperture which is the widest aperture at full zoom and all lenses are knows to be a bit sharper when stepped down try to find where the sweepspot of this lens is, most probably around F8.
Your focus is not staright on and that may also be distortions due to the glass which are more prominent here it being a bowfront. With regular tanks you need to shoot perpendicular to the front glass which would be the shortest way through glass and thus the least distortions, in a bowfront yo ushould have your camera perpendicular to the glass in front of it. You are also whotting with a downward angle so this increases your distortions through thte glass try shotting straight into the glass. Phyls advice to try the lens outside the tank is also good this way you make sure that the lens is OK I would just add to use a tripod when using it as this way you eliminate motion blurr.
your exposures