Has my toad croaked


New member
She's been like this for a few days now
Slumped over there's some aptasia underneath which I can't seem to kill.

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It should be fine leathers are very temperamental give it time mine does the same takes a few days is it shiny?could be shedding don't let it have too much flow .

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It should be fine leathers are very temperamental give it time mine does the same takes a few days is it shiny?could be shedding
Agree, it could be shedding. It could also be PO'd if that aiptasia is reaching up and touching it. I would take care of it with some aiptasia-x or what ever your favorite method of killing them is.

don't let it have too much flow .
This I have to disagree with. Most leathers, especially toadstools, can take a lot of flow. I would give it no less than it is used to and if it is shedding a little extra will hurry it along. There is some acclimation time though, I believe they build extra sclerites when exposed to more flow over time.

Also, OP, this should go in the soft coral sections.
Well if defo was shredding as I've seen the cob web
Ike skin hanging off.
I've tried to combat aptasia with peppermint shrimp and filefish no interest so I've just tried hot water and lemon juice which seems to have taken care off one of the aptasia I will continue the fight with the others.
I don't know tho each day she looks,a lil worse [emoji17]

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Well if defo was shredding as I've seen the cob web
Ike skin hanging off.
I've tried to combat aptasia with peppermint shrimp and filefish no interest so I've just tried hot water and lemon juice which seems to have taken care off one of the aptasia I will continue the fight with the others.
I don't know tho each day she looks,a lil worse [emoji17]

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I'd give you a 10:1 odds wager that it will be back to it's old self in another 1-3 day's. Make sure it has decent flow and you can give it a couple puffs from a turkey baster to dislodge any remaining shed that is not getting knocked off naturally.
Quick update.
So day by day my leather was looking worse the shedding didn't seem to stop I was sure it wasn't going to make so I fort what the heck and whipped it out I am attempt to provided assistance by removing the dead skin and what now looked like algie build up. Got a tub with some tank water a soft sponge and brushed a way the dead skin as I did tho I saw how bad the problem was. My poor leather was deteriorating soon as I touched it more or less turned to dust.
I cleaned up as much as I could, I think the best action now is to trim the Corel like I've seen done in propagation and hope it heals up. Maybe some kind of anti fungal dip if anyone can recommend anything.
Hears a pic [emoji17]

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If you have verified decomposing flesh I would recommend fragging and dipping in something antiseptic like a iodine based dip. I use seachem reef dip personally. Other dips like revive should work the same. Any part of the coral that is melting should be discarded.

Be sure any frags get good flow to help promote healing. I like to use a single stitch with thread to attach leathers to a bit of rubble. Others use a rubber band. If the stalk is the healthy leave that on the rock and it can grow a new cap.

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Have you checked your salinity? I had one do this and I found my refractometer was out of calibration and my salinity was around 1.029.