have 180 w. 2 6100s but not enough?


New member
Hey roger i have a aga 180 have 2 6100 streams but they do not seem to be enough i mean i have one on a singel controlle rand the toher one running at like 40%.

i am like 18th on the list for marine depot and waiting for that 7095

but anyway can the new contrller handle 3 streams?

i ahev my 2 right now on the side glass towards the back and they are angeld to meet eachother in the front center like you told me before.

but i am thinking about getting a smaller stream and putting it behind my rockwork to keep detrus out.

so can the new controller control 3 streams? if so i do i need a speical adpater?

also whats the a smaller sized stream that can be controled?
i think it may be the 6000 btu NOT sure?

what do you think?


The 6000 is the smaller controllable unit. The 7095 can run 4 pumps as delivered and up to 8 with branch adapters.
ok thanks Roger!

so you think the 6000 is my best choice? or should i just go with the 6100? it really doesnt matter to me whats you thoughts?


I would wait to order another pump until you have your controller. The progams of the controller may fix your problem.