Having to select my last fish add to my tank


New member
46 gallon reef tank, lots of soft corals, all doing well. Parameters for water are all absolutely perfect and have been for some time now.

Fish in the tank so far include, 2 Clowns ( Ocellaris ), 1 Chalk Basslet and a Dwarf Angel, Pgymy.

My choices from what the LFS store has are as follows, Firefish, Mandarin Goby, Bi Color, Royal Gramma, a really pretty red Anthia and probably my favorite a Solorensis Wrasse, plus other wrasse types of course. Yellow tang out of my price range unfortunately.

He also said I could put in two more clowns, even a different type and that should be ok, as long as they are not Tomato Clowns, though any additional clowns would have to be the same size as the two I have, which looking at them today seem to be the case.

He has cardinals which I'm just not a fan of, and green/blue chromis which as just ok as well.

I'm looking for out front in the tank striking color obviously reef safe and good disposition to get along with the rest.

Thanks all.
I had mine 9 yrs but I had to sell complete aquarium due to a move. I don't know how he's doing now but he was very healthy and showed no signs of wear or tear. When I sold him. They are not aggressive and I also had a lot of corals which he never touched. In fact the only fish I actually had to sell due to agressive behavior was a decorator clown fish. I had two large anemones that as he go older became very
territorial over. He would bite other fish. He was awful. I like a friendly tank.

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I had mine 9 yrs but I had to sell complete aquarium due to a move. I don't know how he's doing now but he was very healthy and showed no signs of wear or tear. When I sold him. They are not aggressive and I also had a lot of corals which he never touched. In fact the only fish I actually had to sell due to agressive behavior was a decorator clown fish. I had two large anemones that as he go older became very
territorial over. He would bite other fish. He was awful. I like a friendly tank.

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