Hawaii bans some ingredients in sun screen

Its a good idea but i feel like there are even bigger contributers to the problems that should be looked at.
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I think Hawaii should also reinstate a recreational fishing license. They can make it cheap very easy to get, it can even be sold at a retail market or any other type of store and it can be valid for 5 years or so. 100% of the money from this can be used for coral reef conservation.

Because as of right now Hawaii has no recreational fishing license requirement. You can land in Hawaii, buy a speargun or fishing rod and kill 100 yellow tangs just for fun. There is no quota, size limit or etc.

Last time I was there Chinese tourist were catching convict tangs with a fishing rod and then were throwing live fish to the rocks below. As fish hit the rocks, they were getting smashed and other fish were eating them. So right now this kind of abuse just for fun is legal. But you cannot collect fish for aquarium trade for some reason...

At least with a fishing license, you can make inhumane treatment of fish a crime and you can force it to be "catch and release" unless the fish is going to be used food (or bait). This will prevent unnecessary killing just for fun.