Hawaii reef stores?


In Memoriam
I have a friend going to Hawaii and I figure he will be able to buy some nice coral while there since they are that much closer to the promised land (haha) and want to know what are the best LFS's for coral on the island of Oahu.

Anyone know of the names and locations of some good Hawaii LFS'?

Thanks for any help.
I thought the sale or keeping of live rock and coral was prohibited in Hawaii??? I may well be wrong, just passing on what I have heard, and interested in the answer :)
It is illegal to purchase corals in Hawaii. LFS here only sell fish and several inverts. But you can get some VERY rare Pacific fish for cheap here, Mystery Wrasses, Golden Dwarf Morays, all are readily available and cheap.

I can only recommend 1 LFS called Modern Pet Center on Makaloa Street. Knowledgeable staff that maintain their tanks as if it were their own.
25,000$ fine if you are caught taking coral, or caught bringing into the state from other islands (i.e. fiji) NO taking of corals.. lol
You wont find anywhere on the island (any of them) that sell coral. He can get fish though :)
Thanks for the info guys. I guess I won't be moving to Hawaii if I want to keep my reef tank. haha.

I'll let him know about the fish though and that LFS, Modern Pet Ctr.

Thanks again.