Hawaiian feather duster question


New member
I have a Hawaiian feather duster and it keeps pulling its tube futher and futher under a rock. Does it hurt to pull the whole tube back out from under the rock or will this hurt it. I was afraid to even tug on it. He still sticks out a great bit, but has moved about an inch and half from where he started.
Will he keep pulling more and more under the rock?
The feather duster I had that lived the longest was dug in by a rock. Unless you're really unhappy with where he's choosing to settle in, I'd leave him alone where he's happy. Crabs seem to really like picking at their tubes so maybe he's trying to get some protection from that. You may irritate him by pulling him out, but it won't hurt him to do so.
You know those feather dusters require special feeding of kalua pork weekly? Playing Don Ho's greatest hits also helps.