New member
I have some mushrooms that have come in to my new tank on some rock from my old tank. The tank has been running for a little more than two months. I have no other livestock in the tank except for some hermits and snails. (I also found a gorilla crab that has been moved to the sump) Some of the mushrooms have split. My problem is that some of them look great and are huge, and other days they are fairly small and don't look so good.
I test my water and the params always show:
pH 8.3-8.4
NH3NH4 0
NO2 0
NO3 0
PO4 1 ppm
salinity 1.024
I have been dosing esv 2 part once in a while just to get my calc and alk up a bit to promote coralline growth etc.
I had my water tested at the LFS as well, and he showed the same params (except he had no PO4 kit). The only prob. is that my test kit is Red Sea (except for Calc and Alk which are salifert) so I don't know if I can trust it. The PO4 test actually says that my RO/DI water has phosphates in it. The unit is from purely H2O and has been running for only 2 months as well with all new filters and membrane. TDS always reads 0. Should I be adding any food to the water for these shrooms or doing anything else to help them thrive while my tank is getting up and running. I was just impressed that they survived the cycle, which was fairly small, but impressed just the same.
I test my water and the params always show:
pH 8.3-8.4
NH3NH4 0
NO2 0
NO3 0
PO4 1 ppm
salinity 1.024
I have been dosing esv 2 part once in a while just to get my calc and alk up a bit to promote coralline growth etc.
I had my water tested at the LFS as well, and he showed the same params (except he had no PO4 kit). The only prob. is that my test kit is Red Sea (except for Calc and Alk which are salifert) so I don't know if I can trust it. The PO4 test actually says that my RO/DI water has phosphates in it. The unit is from purely H2O and has been running for only 2 months as well with all new filters and membrane. TDS always reads 0. Should I be adding any food to the water for these shrooms or doing anything else to help them thrive while my tank is getting up and running. I was just impressed that they survived the cycle, which was fairly small, but impressed just the same.