Heat produced from one Tunze 6000


New member
How much heat will a running a Tunze 6000 on controller ad to the water even if it's on a cycle where it's not running full speed all the time? I know they idle them between wave pulses which means they are running all the time, so how much heat do they ad to the water compaired to a large power head that is running all the time? And do they ad less heat while in the idle mode? This is for a 150 gallon tank.
It uses less power than a 1200 Maxijet so nnot very much at all. At idle they use about 8W and at full power about 15W. A few watts are used outside the tank in the driver and transformer. I would expect a single pump would raise a 150 less than 1 degree.
heat produced

heat produced

Good deal, did'nt think it would be much despite the large outflow I guess the wattage is what makes the heat and they don't use much of that, now if we can just get the online shops stocked up on your product I would buy one right away. Thanks for help:p
The wattage is what makes the heat. I think August or September of last year they ran an article I wrote on energy efficiency of powerheads in Reefkeeping Magazine. You might check for it.