Heater Configurations for Large Tanks


Well-known member
I am curious what type of heater configurations people run for the larger tanks.

I've have a 180G setup that has been running for 10 days and have a single 400W heater, but it only keeps the tank around 75 degrees, although it is set to 79.

Would it be better to have multiple heaters in different areas of the sump?

Sorry just saw the other thread asking a similar question.
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I have 3 300 watt titanium heaters in my 180g tank/300g system all on a controller. Keeps the temperature at a very constant temp. 1 in each overflow and the 3rd in the return section of the sump.
You want 2 or more smaller heaters so that if one sticks on it cannot fry your tank. If one fails then the other can keep working so that all heat is not lost.
i have a single 250W jagor heater in my sump. it keeps my 240stable! (but i live in Texas.... we dont need much heat)
for my 225G, I run 4qty of 150w jagers. They are controlled by my apex. I calibrated each for a max on temp of 81F so if the apex ever sticks on, the heaters will turn off as a failsafe.
Thanks for the information, the titanium heaters look interesting. I think I will get 2-3 300W heaters, but first have to research which controller to get.