Heater for Mantis tank? Help?


New member
What type of heater do you use with your mantis?

Has anyone experienced a Mantis breaking a glass heater? Does anyone use them or does everyone go straight for the stainless and titanium heaters?


I picked up one of these for my 20G mantis tank:

titanium heater

It's not bad. The thermostat doesn't match the control dial but I don't change the temp frequently anyway. The tank tends to run two degrees hotter than the dial is set for.

I can calculate for that.. :)
I've lost several glass heaters over the years to O. scyllarus. Generally, we now keep the lab at 77 and don't worry about heaters, but when we do need to use them, I put a piece of 2 inch thin plastic sleeve around the heaters. I also cover the pilot lights with black tape. This seems to do the trick.

I actually set up some video cameras once to try to figure out why my animals were breaking their heaters. There were two scenarios. One was a sudden attack when the pilot light flashed on. A piece of tape over the light helps. The other was the antennules brushing the heater when it was hot. That is where the plastic shield comes in.
Thanks very much for the replies Kalim, Sickboy, and Gonodactylus (Dr. Roy?)...

I'm going to cover my heater with a perforated pvc sleeve, until I can order a titanium later on. I do have one but I'd hate to dig it out from under the rockwork in another tank.

Good to know though. I do believe I've got a O. scyllarus. I'll post a pic when I can.

Thanks Much!
