Heavy metals question


New member
So I have a question about heavy metals in the reef tank.
We do not normally check for these. I imagine that in a relatively new reef tank (<2 years or so) is not likely to have this problem.
However, in an old tank, say >5-7 years, do we have reason to think heavy metals accumulate? Furthermore, do carbon other other commonly used polymers, like Purigen or Chemipure absorb these?
I saw this new product,MetaSorb UHC Metals Adsorbing Polymer (TLF)
It made me wonder, when if ever is this product necessary?
Most of us use RO/DI water, but foods, other additives and things we put in the tank MIGHT??? have traces of heavy metals?
Anybody know anything about this?

I know many new products come out, but often they are a waste of time and money... Is this one of those, or is it sometimes necessary?
Water changes will move the water parameters back to match the salt product. Hopefully, the salt is close enough to seawater that the animals will be fine. There are sources and sinks for heavy metals, and I don't know that I'd bother with a heavy metal remover unless the tank was having some sort of problem. They might be present in excess or below seawater levels.

Anything we add to our tanks likely will have some heavy metals as contaminants, if nothing else. Food can be a source, as are supplements. Some might be converted to skimmable forms, by binding to organics, for example. Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about the issue, but I would keep up with water changes.