Heavy or medium stocked?

Deep Reef

Active member
Purchasing a new skimmer. Not sure if I am medium or heavy stocked.
This is what I have:
Diamond goby - medium
Yellow tang
Zebra tang
Royal gamma
(2) black chromis
Yellow Lenny
Ruby head wrasse
Labouts fairy wrasse

Maybe be adding 2-3 pajama cardinals in the future.
Also have a clam and skunk shrimp

It's a 120g DT 24x48x24, with 40 gallon sump. About 95 actual gallons

What's your thought?

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There isn't a hard and fast rule on heavy verses medium.

I'd imagine that if you have a hard time not being ULNS, you're lightly stocked.
If you don't have to do anything to maintain desirable nutrient level, you're medium stocked.
If you can't keep nitrates from elevating, you're Heavily stocked.

Every tank is going to be different. You have to listen to your tank's ability to filter on its own and determine from there.
like Frank said, any problems with nutrients? fish aggression? FWIW I have 6 med tangs, fox face, regal angel, clowns, harlequin tusk and 6-8 other smallish fish in a 150g. Looking to add a few more med fish (emporer angel, gold spotted rabbit) but will probably pull a few tangs. Feed like crazy and had to increase carbon dosing to lower NO3, recently added 15L of pond matrix to the sump hoping it kicks in soon. Like always gonna push this system to the limit and crash it lol
like Frank said, any problems with nutrients? fish aggression? FWIW I have 6 med tangs, fox face, regal angel, clowns, harlequin tusk and 6-8 other smallish fish in a 150g. Looking to add a few more med fish (emporer angel, gold spotted rabbit) but will probably pull a few tangs. Feed like crazy and had to increase carbon dosing to lower NO3, recently added 15L of pond matrix to the sump hoping it kicks in soon. Like always gonna push this system to the limit and crash it lol

Only way to roll, I'm on the same path!:D