Help burned sps


New member
I've had a MH bulb break in my canopy without knowing it for two days, and the UV light severely burned all my caps, digits, and acros, they are almost all white. I am so upset. I have beautiful colonies that I've been growing for a long time. Everything on that one side under the broken bulb is almost dead. I replaced the broken bulb temporarily until I buy another one.

I do have clams as well as other sps on the other side of the tank that were unaffected.

Do I keep the halides on or keep them off so the corals can regenerate themselves?

My guess would be to leave them on because if any corals mangaged to live, then they may have a chance to come back. Also, check their tissue, if it's still there then leave them alone.

sorry to hear about your losses, did any of the bulb get in the water? i imagine you won't be using xm's again.
Thanks Anthony, I'm sure my green cap is a gonner as well as my tri-colour acro.

No, the bulbs are high enough up, and I also use 2 pieces of rectangular glass under the halides resting on the aquarium to prevent anything splashing up. I like the XM's and I'll blame this on simply being a bad bulb.

i had a similiar problem with an xm, it didn't break, but after three months of use it got real yellow; at the same time by anemone shrunk up, lost its color and started hiding, which i attribute to it getting burned. after changing bulbs it colored back up and is now as big as ever.
I had a SE 400w 10k bulb break and burn 1/2 the tank, I found it when I got home from work so it was, at most, burning corals for 8 hours. Everything survived but took a good week to two weeks to recover. Good luck and hopefully you will be surprised to find some survivors.
I left the lights off for a couple of days on that side of the tank, the ambient light from the other side seemed to be enough plus I had actinics going on their regular cycle...just to let things settle a bit, then slowly ramped the light back on for a week or so.
I had my halides on for 8 hours yesterday as well as my actinics. I'll leave the one halide off today, hopefully that will help restore some health.

After 24 hours I find the tri-color acro is coming back, half of the fluorescent green acro is white, I lost one acro, I lost a purple cap, 3/4 of the green cap is white, and half of the red cap is white. The purple tip digit is coming back as well as the red milli.

TA thanks