Help buying GHL.


New member

I am looking to setup my tank with a GHL computer, i am looking into the GHL ProfiLux 3 eX, as it sounds to have additional condicivity and redox measurement, compared to the ProfiLux 3. I dont plan, from the start to controle everythign with my ghl, i got a calk reactor, that i plan to control but only later. Atm its controled via, a jbl controler. How ever i would like to control these things, my light, 2 sockets, on and off, now i use a cheap timer, but i would like to be able to control it, via the computer instead. The light isent dim able, its just on and off.

Do i need to use GHL propes? or dosent this matter?

Would the GHL 6-Channel Digital-Unit Powerbar, be able to control on and off, on 6 things? like light on and off, and switch the co2 on and off?

Does the GHL ProfiLux View II work on the GHL ProfiLux 3?

further more i would need a ph probe and a conductivity probe? and when i would like to control my calk reactor, i would just need to get a ph expansion card ?

i hope someone can help me a bit here!

Do i need to use GHL propes? or dosent this matter?

No to pH but yes to all other probes

Would the GHL 6-Channel Digital-Unit Powerbar, be able to control on and off, on 6 things? like light on and off, and switch the co2 on and off?


Does the GHL ProfiLux View II work on the GHL ProfiLux 3?


further more i would need a ph probe and a conductivity probe? and when i would like to control my calk reactor, i would just need to get a ph expansion card ?


Hope that helps

Please visit where you will find lots more info also
One question more, what is the diffrence between:

Powerbar 6D and Powerbar 6D-PAB, both should work on the ex3 right? but the last one only works on the ex3.. so what is the advantage of the last one?
Powerbar 6D works on PII and P3
Powerbar 6D-PAB works on P3

The 6D is limited to 24 socket... on the 6D-PAB we will be able to monitor power consumption... they both used the new high current rushing relays