Help! Cleaner shrimp upside down


New member
Ok I have had my scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp for a month. I drip acclimated him to the QT.

Now its time to put him in the DT...but just yesterday I noticed he was on his side on a rock in the QT, which I had never seen. He usually swims around and eats food when I put it in the tank.

Well, I decided if something is wrong, I should move him to the DT anyways and hopefully it will help him.

In a quick drip from QT to DT right now, and he is upside down just flicking his mouth-arms a little. What could be wrong? Could moving him harm him?

The only changes that happened yesterday were the usual 30% water change on the QT, and addition of a new coral. The water change did not seem to change any parameters.

Thanks if you have any ideas or advice!
Update....he's dead. Again.

(I got him from liveaqauria 4 mo ago and the first one died when I got him so they sent another. He was doing so well! :( :( :(