help emergency!


New member
I sprung a leak in my drain hose and water got into both of my 7240.27 drivers. weird thing was it was still powering my powerheads, only at full blast and the muti controler had no power. the multi controlder was mounted in a dry location,so it never got wet.

do i need new drivers? where can I get some in a hurry?
If they barely got wet you might open them and clean them with some electronics cleaner and can o air. it sounds like they may be OK but have a wet connection to the controller. I have them in stock but see what you can do, they cost about $92 a piece.
Nitro, I sent your part yesterday by Priority mail, please do not through away the small tape in the yellow wax paper wrapping, feel free to ask any questions, you oughtta have it by weeks end.