Help gettin a FTS


New member
I'm wanting to buy a good camera that will both get good macro shots and good FTS. I don't want to spend 700 on a camera and over a thousand on a wide angle lens this my only option.

My current camera sux for FTS on a 6 foot tank...the problem is I have to stand so far back with my current camera that you can't see whats in my tank. I see FTS on here where it looks like if I was standing right in front of the tank. Not 10 feet away, am I making any sense

I have a some what biased opnion but I relly like my D50. I havent quite figured out aquarium photography yet. I think this is due to me not having a macro lense. You are more than welcome to look at my picture site and see what you think of the quality of the stock lense that come with the D50. Please note that I have had this camera sine Oct of 2006.
I was able to get a decent FTS on my 5 foot long tank with a 28-105mm zoom lens (using the wider 28mm end). You can probably achieve the same thing with a "kit" lens (18-55mm or 18-70mm) if you want to go the DSLR route OR you could easily get that range on some of the P&S and "advanced" digital cameras that are out today.

Here's my FTS....again, not the greatest but it's pretty decent.
