Help getting rid of Hydriods ???

I swear I could keep several nudibranchs happy with all the hydroids in my tank. I need to try the torch method.
Heh. DensityMan, the hydriods you have look downright cute compared to the hydriod jellyfish I have. Mine like to cluster out of one location with 8~10 stalks and spread over rocks and blot out the sun... There must be a predator for these things in the wild because otherwise they would have conquered the earth by now. BTW, nice pics...

Torch method works great, but I am sure it kills everything else on the rock, too. :) My favorite part is the satisfying POPs and explosions as the evil critters fry to a crisp in milliseconds...
I have those clump-hydroids as well, they've just never been a problem in my systems (I tend to pick them out with needle-nosed pliers or cover them with other rocks if they get too close to something I like).

I've been transferring many of them into Tim's tank recently. His tank has become a sanctuary for unwanted reef pests again. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7149968#post7149968 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DarthBaiter
Here's a shot of a nudi eating em...


I wouldn't mind having a few of those nudis...nice colors.

Now that's what I'm interested in!
I ended up removing all the rock that was infested in my tank, placed it in ro water for a week, blasted it with a hose, and then placed the rock in a covered garbage can with salt water for a month. Finally the demon seeds are gone.