Help! Hermit eating star polyps....


New member
Has anyone ever experienced hermits eating these? We just brought home our first corals and discovered him eating a good sized portion of them! It's a blue legged hermit.
I have with both scarlets and zebras. They sometimes pick at em. I've only noticed that not all individuals will do so.
Mbeef61 may be right, though... might want to leave em something to snack on every once in a while.
I had a large batch of star polyps that was growing really well. They were just hitchikers from my live rocks. I noticed a crab hanging out in there one day but thought nothing of it...until one day my star polyps were gone. I have several different kinds of hermits in my tank, but it wasn't a blue leg I saw in there. It was either a zebre or an orange tipped crab.