Help. I just calibrated my refractometer and have issues


Active member
Hi all,

Today, I decided to calibrate my refractometer with both RODI WATER and the calibration solution and when I tested my tank water I'm at 1.020. I suspected something was wrong since my Torch started to bleach, but since everything checked out, I did not know what was causing it.

I've already done a partial water change, but I'm still low. What else can I do to increase that salinity?

I know i can't put salt into the tank, that would be stop of, but can I take some tank water out and add salt to it or is the only option to keep doing water changes?
I have used saltwater for topoff in the past to help with changes like that - has it's strengths and weaknesses vs doing multiple water changes, either way make sure you monitor salinity very closely during the process as you obviously don't want to raise it too quickly.
What would you say is too quickly? It is at 1.021 and I need to bring it up to 1.025 or 1.026, which is where I normally keep it.
If it were me I'd keep doing water changes but just be careful when raising the salinity. I just did a water change yesterday and saw mine was low at 1.22 and my new water was at 1.25 to try and help raise it without a shock to fish and coral. Good luck and least you finally found the problem hopefully
I have increased my salinity before by mixing up a batch of water with higher than normal salinity and topping off with it until I got it where I wanted it. I would say you could do this over a 3 or 4 days and not have any issues.
I have increased my salinity before by mixing up a batch of water with higher than normal salinity and topping off with it until I got it where I wanted it. I would say you could do this over a 3 or 4 days and not have any issues.

I have done the same with no ill effects to any of my corals...
Sounds good. Thank you all. I will make a few gallons and replace the top off container with it until it gets to normal.
I didn't see it mentioned, but I would calibrate with actual calibration fluid. I'm pretty sure I've read calibrating with RODI can be off. Has it ever been calibrated prior? It might not be off as bad as it seems.
Use salt water for ato till u get it where u want it. No reason to rush. It's been that way for a while. Changing it quick will be what causes more problems
I didn't see it mentioned, but I would calibrate with actual calibration fluid. I'm pretty sure I've read calibrating with RODI can be off. Has it ever been calibrated prior? It might not be off as bad as it seems.

I did calibrate with the fluid it came with, but I'm taking some water and the hydrometer today to a LFS to make sure everything is OK. Thank you for your feedback.
I would mix UNDER the target salinity and use that as top off - remember, any salt you add in the topoff is in addition to the salt already in the system, so a little bit goes a long way.
had same issue when I started out , using a hydrometer never again . raised it using top off with salt mix like said above over say 3-4 days you'll be fine don't panic
Quick update: I took my refractometer to another LFS where the lady there actually knows how to calibrate these, she had two of her own, old and brand new calibration fluid for testing and other things.

She checked my refractometer, calibrated it, tested her water, fluids, etc.

I'm still lower than I needed to be and I now know it is because I have been using a non calibrated refractometer for months. Therefore, I have been using lower gravity water for at least the past 4 months.

Moral of the story, calibrate your equipment often and occasionally, being it to a if LFS to check it for you.