"feed ur reef...feed it!"
Hello everyone"¦!
For a very long time, I have sat back and enviously admired so many of the photographs taken by so many of my fellow saltwater hobbyists and always wished to be able to take, in the very least, "œdecent" photos"¦.
I am well aware that the most advanced photographers out there own/use the higher quality (and higher priced) DSLR cameras for amazing macro close-ups"¦.unfortunately, like so many others, I am not able to afford (nor justify) the purchase of the more costly DSLR and Lens systems out in the market place.
This leads to the reason for my post"¦.Is there any way to use a P&S camera successfully enough to accomplish quality macro photography without the high price tag?
I have located the following cameras that seem to fall into my price range:
Canon PowerShot SX130IS 12.1 MP ($192)
Nikon Coolpix L100 10MP ($248)
Nikon Coolpix L110 12.1MP ($199)
Nikon Coolpix P100 10 MP ($320....really a bit more than I'm budgeted to spend)
Thanks to any and all that can offer me an insightful opinion

For a very long time, I have sat back and enviously admired so many of the photographs taken by so many of my fellow saltwater hobbyists and always wished to be able to take, in the very least, "œdecent" photos"¦.
I am well aware that the most advanced photographers out there own/use the higher quality (and higher priced) DSLR cameras for amazing macro close-ups"¦.unfortunately, like so many others, I am not able to afford (nor justify) the purchase of the more costly DSLR and Lens systems out in the market place.
This leads to the reason for my post"¦.Is there any way to use a P&S camera successfully enough to accomplish quality macro photography without the high price tag?
I have located the following cameras that seem to fall into my price range:
Canon PowerShot SX130IS 12.1 MP ($192)
Nikon Coolpix L100 10MP ($248)
Nikon Coolpix L110 12.1MP ($199)
Nikon Coolpix P100 10 MP ($320....really a bit more than I'm budgeted to spend)
Thanks to any and all that can offer me an insightful opinion