Help ID this species of pulsing xenia and mushroom


New member
I'm not sure about specifics of this type but if anyone knows, please help. It pulses like MAD!!!!!!! The mushrooms I think are bumpy green - is that a common name or what? I don't know if they're readily available, rare, or in demand but I have a ton!

Thanks Blide! What's the difference between these and the lighter strand of xenia I see sometimes at shops? Usually those don't pulse much if at all though.
Pulsing is usually do to water quality and lighting.

So far as different species you usually only see three types in most lfs: pom pom, red sea, & I forgot the last one :) Lots of times it's the same xenia just under different lighting.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7638592#post7638592 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by blide
Pulsing is usually do to water quality and lighting.

So far as different species you usually only see three types in most lfs: pom pom, red sea, & I forgot the last one :) Lots of times it's the same xenia just under different lighting.

Pom Pom (white), Red Sea (red), And Elongata (brown) are common I believe.

As for pulsing, it can be affected by flow moreso than lighting from what I've read over time. A good indicator of health is polyp extension and growth. I have two red sea Xenia's in a 10g tank. The one in high flow extends it's polyps atleast 5 or more inches. The one in low flow on the other side of the tank extends atleast 4 inches. Neither pulse due to the flow. I just think about the pulsing as a way for the xenia to pass water through their pinnules. If they don't need to, they won't. But, maybe what I've observed just applies to the Red Sea variety. It seems all Xenia have a little mystery to them.