Help me build ~400g system


So I acquired a 86x30x36 acrylic tank last night along with a 180g 72x24x24 tank that the guy was going to use as a sump. Should be fun will be looking for recommendations on using the existing 180g tank as a sump and how to build/divide it to operate properly or possibly cleaning it up and selling it in favor of a prebuilt sump.

Looking for feedback/recs on a return pump, skimmer (&pump), and sump for now to get the base system going. I would really like to use sea swirls on the returns for in tank circulation to avoid having powerheads mounted to the acrylic.

Main display tank has two overflows on either end of the tank, looks like a 2" drain with 1" returns on each side. The 180 appears to have a center and a corner overflow but didn't investigate too far into that one.

Was looking at internal pumps for the sump for the return to capture and recycle the heat to the tank itself instead of wasting it, but will definitely listen to suggestions and pros/cons of external (saw a couple large pumps on clearance on BRS).

Pics to come later tonight hopefully if I can figure out how to post them.
So was looking at a couple mag drive pumps for each overflow, this would provide a little bit of redundancy in case one fails and recycle some of the heat from the pumps to cut down on the number of heaters I might need. Just not sure what my target flow rate should be.
I would sell the 180 and use the money to get a smaller sump/extra money for help purchase protein skimmer. Pictures would help with what the display tank would look like.
Sounds like you got a nice deal.
Yeah, that was the way I was leaning originally but I was looking it over a bit more last night and it was eurobraced at the top and looks like on the back side of hte tank they have cut out 8-10" of the back bracing on either side of the center brace, don't think it would affect the integrity but may make it a tough sell. I'm not even sure how much the it would be worth if I sold it ieither? I do have a 120g currently that I will break down and sell once the new one is running so that will help recoup some of the cost on the back end. Big ticket item would be a 3' vertex LED light, that'll get me my sea swirls maybe haha.
pics added...well maybe


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I think you can still sell it and get a dollar a gallon for it. The person can put some type of netting over that area to prevent fish from jumping if they want to. That tank looks like it is still in good condition. I believe its still worth a try.
I would keep the 180g as it is still a pretty decent size and use it for an azoos tank or for non-reef-safe fish. What home couldn't find space for just one more tank? ;)

Haha, I had actually though t about possibly running it like that, the stand is large enough that I could put this under neith and leave it viewable, just have to get creative with the pump and skimmer positioning. Could almost allow the top tank to overlow to the bottom tank and then use the tank overflows on that tank to pump back up to the top tank...though for as litle as it might be worth leaning toward just using it as a sump and break it up into 3 or 4 sections, 1 for skimmer, 2 for returns, 1 for chaeto and mangroves, possiibly even partition off one end for top off water??

Right now leaning toward a pair of mag 24's for returns with ~4 sea swirls, need to nail down my pump configuration first for the flow and then figure out the sea swirls from there. They have some new products so it's going to make the decision more difficult that I originally thought.
Does the sump need to be under the DT or do you have an option of a remote sump? The bigger the better when it comes to sumps. Plenty of room for equipment, extra water volume, etc. I'd think with a DT that size, you'd want at least a 180 sump.
No unfortunately I don't have room for a remote sump so everything will be under the DT. I think I'm just going to move forward with the second tank I have and figure out how to add partitions within it for the various items needed. Only draw back will be that I will only have open space in front of hte sump for equipment like reactors, etc. Though some of it can probably be mounted to the underside of hte stand. Right now I'm working out some issues with a few of the seams on the tank that I'm going to add some bracing to for piece of mind.
Right now I'm leaning toward the Sicce Syncra 12 return pump and then going with either Tunze 6105 with Sea Swirl Sweeks or MP60s in the tank for flow. Still sorting through some skimmers, but want to get my tank issues and sump build items done and out of the way as soon as I can so that I can start getting the tank up and running in the next month or so.
I have a 180 for my sump for my 300..i used one half for a refugium...
and used a max-flo 4200gph submersble 150watt pump...plenty of flow for my app...
Very nice, that may be a very good baseline for what I do for mine. How much top off water do you go through in a typical week? I had though about using part of the sump for top off water, though if I can avoid it by having a custom top off tank else where then I'll do it that way.
right now about 20gal a week...Im glad I went with the refugium...u could use 1 side for your top off....till you make other mod's....then turn it into fudge/refugium....I just started to set up a 20 gal tank on the side of mine for that reason....