help me buy a DSLR set


New member
Hello all,

ok so Im VERY new to the world of cameras and photography ... so need some help.

I am looking for a DSLR camera that I can take pics of my reef, and other scenery with.

I also want a macro lens, to take pics of the polyps of my SPS, or legs of insects ....

I am leaning more towards Canon. I dont know why lol I heard the name alot perhaps lol

I see a deal inl ocal best buy for :
Canon EOS Rebel T3i 18MP DSLR Camera With 18-55mm IS and 55-250mm IS Lens Kit for 999, is the second lens macro lens ?

can someone advice me what lens I need to take the pics I need, so I just tell them and see if they can give me a deal on it.

thanks alot in advance to anyone who wants to teach and help me with this :)
ok another question, I know stupid ones lol

T3i VS T2i, seems to be no difference almost.

but between t3 nd T3i, the pixels seems to be 12.2 and 18 Mpixel ... that sure would make a difference on quality of pic right ?
Beer guy, thanks :)

I spend maybe a week reading the stickies lol and similar threads, but to be honest, there are sooo many choices, I just cant get the info I want out :) so thought maybe someone will post a pic of polyps of their SPS and say get this ... LOL guess it wont be that easy lol

wow ! I thought the number of pixels made a difference ! that's great to know ! lol so as long as its digital, SLR, and can take different lenses, it should be same for my use .... hmm nice ! that right there saved me like 400 bucks :P

there is a camera store here, which specializes in DSLR [henry's] I guess I should check them out to see what they can advice.
ok, let me ask another way ...

is and 55-250mm IS Lens a good macro lens ? what are your thoughts on it, if you have used it.
canon lenses are NOT mentioned on stikie,

the numbers arent explained,

so if anyone wants to teach me, it would be appreciated.
Not a true macro lens, and I don't want to teach you.

well you just did ;)


happy friday :) why so serious lol

so I guess that's why they are on sale for so cheap lol

on the same line of not teaching me. ever used the CANON EF 100MM/2.8 USM MACRO AF lens ? that's the next one up I was looking at. going to get one this afternoon. any thoughts ?

am I doing something REALLY wrong asking you experts for help ?
Have been a fairly serious amateur photographer for over 20 years. I really like my Nikon gear my current body is a d7000 with a 105 macro. No I am not trying to start yet another canon nikon debate. :deadhorse:

Recently I have been reviewing mirror less interchangeable len cameras and cannot believe how great the sony nex-7 is. It is much smaller and portable than a full size DSLR but has similar performance. Sony does not a have a ton of lenses but more are coming. I would suggest you look at the Sony, Panasonic, and Olympus mirror less cameras before buying. A good place to review specs is d p review dot com.
ok nice thanks, I will have a read there too.

Nikon I have to try it myself ... but I would go with either Canon or nikon, sicne they have more lens available, will check out the 105 macro. alot of good info on nikon lens on the stickies ... so I guess beer guy was hinting me to use nikon too ! lol

thanks alot :)
I have the Canon EOS 50D and use it with the 100mm macro lens you mentioned. I like it a lot for pics of my corals.
I have the Canon EOS 50D and use it with the 100mm macro lens you mentioned. I like it a lot for pics of my corals.

nice thanks, I have seen your pics, they look very good, so the macro is set now :) price for it seems fair too.

I really like how the T2i fits in my hand and .... so might just go with that ....

I probably shouldn't do this :)

Almost, part of the trouble you're having is information overload. It's a lot to absorb initially and perfectly normal.Slow down, do some reading try to separate what you want to be aware of "now" and what you can digest/learn later.

On lenses.
I don't want to make your head spin any more but those numbers mean things, important things. How can you really decide what lenses are for you (and what price point) if you don't really know what they mean? I can't tell you because it's "your" $ and a lot of it. Once you start learning/digesting some things you will understand what focal length is and what f2.8 or f3.5/5.6 means and what the differences are and why one cost so much more than the next, and because you understand a bit you'll understand at least a little if its important to you.

On MP.
No they aren't important. Well they are a little but there are thing like how many pixels, how large the sensors are, but for the average person who will likely never want to print anything much larger than an 8.5x11 they aren't. To put that into perspective 8MP is more than enough for a cover shot. However one thing more does allow for is "cropping" and still retaining enough for decent prints. Not so important if your printing large (in fact not good at all) but if your a person who just want to take nice pics you can crop and often heavily.

Your location Toronto/Ontario.
I work in downtown TO (Bay/Front) and well I hate to say it most people at Henry's know me on sight and by name. If your talking their super store, see if you can find Allen and deal with him. He will will help and isn't one who will say whatever he needs to say to convince you to pull the trigger on what ever it is your considering.
Thanks Ben, that's exactly what I figured, so I just got the t2i at the store in north york :) already taking pictures with it I can understand a bit more.
I need a macro lens for sure, I'm gonna come to the store dt this week.
It came with a regular lens, 55 mm IS (only numbers i understand so far) and my problem now is taking pictures of corals at the back of the tank, not sure if also getting a zoom /telephoto would be a good idea or kinda redundant with a macro lens.
I guess It would be better to get a better macro lens instead ?
Only you can answer that, as its personal preference and about a $400-$1,000 (and potentially a lot more) choice, depending on many things. As mentioned earlier there's a lot to learn/absorb and all your questions can't be answered, nor can that much be taught/explained in one thread no matter how many stickies to help.

At this point in your development
Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson would be my advice.
Start reading here.

Sign up and start doing the weekly tasks given in emails. The only thing that will slow you down is how well you absorb information.

By the by, I shoot Nikon. You have a different animal. That's why I wouldn't "teach" you. The big thing you need to start with are like J said, understanding exposure. You need to learn to see what your camera sees. My other big thing is shoot in raw from the beginning. When a program opens it it should open it "as-shot". This way you see exactly the way you saw it. If you take a jpeg, the camera will automatically make adjustments for you, so it's not really what you shot.

And good morning J. If it gets lonely over here, stop by the lounge. There's always something strange going on over there!!!
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thanks guys :) I know Im too new and my questions laughable for you guys lol but bare with me here lol [funny, how my undergrad thesis was designing a high speed, low light, CMOS image sensor in TSMC LOL ! and I am just now starting to learn how it works]

ok so yesterday I had enough and went ahead and picked up a CANON EF 100MM/2.8 USM MACRO AF its prety nice ! with my bad skills even lol
I gotta say, wow, there is awhole world of photography out there now ! I was up all night last night taking pictures, and now at work trying to use the photoshop lol haha

some questions.
1. Sicne I am shooting in RAW, I shouldnt care for white balance and stuff on camera right ? I can do that later on ?

2. the macro lens is really nice and the more I use it, the better pics I can take, now here is my question, if I get a 180 mm instead, does that mean I can stand farther from the tank to take the pic ? or would it also mean I can stand at the same spot I took pics with 100mm, and with 180 mm it would basically "zoom" in more and show the polyps in more focous ? right now I can take a nice pic of the polyps, but just wondering ... if my question even made sense.

3. thanks for the book recommendation Ben, I went to the store, and they adviced me to get the book that was for my camera, the T2i ... what do you advice would be a better read ? exposure ? or something specific to my camera ? I think a book would helpo me alot more.

Misled, thanks for the site ! very neat, I will join in and start :) but I am going to work on the pic taken last night and post here, hopefully I can have you guys tell me how I can make the pictures look better :) [as taking pics of my reef, and eventually natural reefs is my goal. and many of the other photography sites or ppl dont know much about "fish tank pic taking"] lol
1. Yes, you don't have to worry about WB.

2. Yes, a 180 will give you the same shot at a longer distance.

3. IMPO, get the understanding exposure book. Your manual will help with the specific camera.
1. Yes, you don't have to worry about WB.

2. Yes, a 180 will give you the same shot at a longer distance.

3. IMPO, get the understanding exposure book. Your manual will help with the specific camera.

thanks alot :)

so 180 would just increase my working distance, not how macro the pic is, thanks. guess I made the right choice :) haha

now what program do you use to fine tune the RAW images ? or even open them ? lol my photoshop cant open the file :S

another question before u start charging me lol if I was to get a tube, for my 18-55MM lens, [the stock one it came with] the tube would just "magnify" the pic.
does it mean a tube with 1.4X would transform my lens to a 25-77mm lens ? with some light loss ? since its not optical, I didnt think it would work like a magnifying glass, it would just make the lens go further away from the film ?

I tried a nice ZOOM lens, I think the 55-250mm, it was nice, and cool, but not something I would use alot of, so thought maybe the tube can do its job ?
well tube was 300, the zoom lens 550 .. so I may be better off just getting the zoom.

willl pick up an exposure book tonight :) thanks

I gotta say, I never thought photography was so interesting ! I always wondered what ppl were saying showing off their pics ... of sunset or whatever .. NOW I SEE its art lol ahha