help me pick some coral


In Memoriam
anyone got tips for some good coral that are easy to keep small. looking for any calcifying coral dosnt have to be sps or lps
If you want something easy to control for a smallish space, candycane (caulastrea) might work. They're not overly agressive IME and because they're branching if they start taking up too much room all you need to do is separate the colony into sections; replace one in the tank, and sell the other back to the LFS :)
There are branching Euphyllia corals like frogspawns, hammers, and torches but they need quite a bit of room around them - their sweepers have a long reach and they'll kill other corals that are too close. There's also a branching form of bubble coral that would be easy to frag, but it's also pretty agressive TMK.