Help me wisely spend my next $200-$500... opinions please.


New member
I’m looking for advice on the next big (with my budget that’s $200-$500) purchase for my mixed reef tank. I’m leaning in a direction but looking for input from more experienced reefers so I don’t make a mistake…
About my set up:
-45 gallon Marinland Reef Ready with a 20 gallon tall sump (about 12 gallons in the sump)
-Eshopps S-200 Cone Skimmer
-Eheim Jager 100w heater
-Sicce 3.0 Return Pump
-1 Vortech MP10
-150 Two Little Fishes Reactor, running carbon right now.
-DIY Multi Chip LED light, 100w
-I do make my own RODI and saltwater (Reef Crystals) at home.

Right now I’m running with a glass top on the tank (I know not ideal). The tank is a mixed reef 2 small SPS (Pocillopora and 1 unknow frag), 1 Torch, 1 GSP, and various Polyps. For bigger creatures I have 2 Ocellaris Clownfish, 1 firefish, a yellow tang (this will be rehomed as it will be outgrowing the tank soon). I also have a CUC, and 2 skunk cleaner shrimp.

Option 1 – Get real lights, either a MH set up or a nice professional LED fixture. If I go MH I’d spring for an adjustable ballast and maybe a 250w fixture. For the actinic I’d remake a ‘blue only’ LED fixture. If I go with a new professional LED’s I’d go with a Radion I think. With this I’d also buy a BRS screen kit and get rid of the glass lid.

Option 2 – Get a top off system. I’d like to run (or be able to run) kalkwasser with a Autoaqua ATO and maybe a Aqualifter pump or a BRS doser pump to move the water. Again with the option I’d get rid of the glass lid, and I’d more than likely have to add a second heater (the tank is in my basement and with the added evaporation I don’t think the single 100w could keep up).

Option 3 – Get a controller, which would allow me to run my Finnex Titanium heater (I dripped water on my BlueLine temp. controller and it fried it...). This would also allow more peace of mind in regards to large scale failure issues.

Option 4 – You tell me!

Oh, also when we finish our basement I'm looking to do an in-wall tank, upgrading to a 75-120 reef tank (I'd love a 100 gallon cube 30x30x25 tall!!!), so I don't mind spending more money now to be able to use the equipment on a larger tank.

Thanks for your time and opinions!
I always tell everyone that the light and skimmer are the 2 most important pieces to have in a reef set up. Always spend as much as you can comfortably afford. You will be fine for now with the lights you have as long as they are the right spectrum and wattage. I say go for the ATO.
AdamNC, thanks for your opinion.
I think my skimmer is pretty high quality, I'm happy wath it.
As far as my current lights go, the corals seem happy, but I'm not sure what my real spectrum is... and there's no way for me to tell :/ but the corals seem happy.
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An ATO would be nice and convenient. I just picked up a used apex system and have loved it so far. Lots of options and another aspect to play with. Good luck whatever you decide.
I would check your elbows on the TLF reactor I just pulled mine due to extreme dry rot,

Ranco temp controller 60 bucks' has some nice stuff at a good price also the Avast system is good as well sub 100 also the Aqualifter.

Buy a 150 watt DE setup with a nice reflector 14k phoenix bulb, used get a great deal.
A decent controller (option 3) will also solve option 2 (top off) with the addition of some float switches.. I couldn't live without my Apex so an Apex gets my vote because there is so much that you can do with it beyond controlling a heater or the outlets. The monitoring and alarm capabilites alone make it worth the investment.
That's only half correct. They are not supposed to be submerged unless you put the probe in a plastic sheath. That said I have been using them for years without changing anything and never had a probe fail (on one of mine). Good thing if a probe fails it tells you as it frequently tests the probe.

I probably have $1500 in reef controllers and I trust/still use the $60 rancos way more for temp control.

Here is a test everyone should perform when talking controllers... unplug it. Will the tank survive? No, well then you are doing it wrong. Far too many people plug everything into controllers and when the controller fails (it will fail) thier tank will go with it.

I would go ranco and an ATO.
ranco temp controller, and aqualifter, sounds great to me. I buy the floats and relays separate from other vendor and build own top offs. Never had a fancy controller, just seems like something else to tick me off when it breaks.

One thing that I don't enjoy so much anymore is water changes, making water, mixing salt, carrying buckets blah blah blah. If I had money to spend on a project it would be along the lines of dumping in a bag of salt, testing salinity, then turning a couple valves for a water change, especially when you get up to the 100 gallon tank with a frag tank along side it lol
I have two 360s, 120g sump, and a 50g frag tank... Try water changes on those with buckets... not gonna happen. I generally make a 200g water change and the hardest part is dumping in the salt :)
Apex + breakout box + float valves would be how I would spend that money. If you are trying to stay below budget at least get an ato. That will make life a lot easier and keep salinity a lot more stable
Hmm. I'd get a good used Apex lite on here for about $325. With the remaining $175, get that halide fixture. Apex gives you piece of mind and the Lite will probably have everything you need, though Neptune doesn't sell them anymore. Buying a new one isn't bad either.