Help me with ASM G6 skimmer


New member
Well I just installed this skimmer and have problems with it. Mainly I can not adjust the skimer to skim wet or dry. I did install on it the valve mod and the cup is filling with water or vary wet foam that over flows the cup. Any ideas why is this happening?
If you can help pleas do.
Is the skimmer new? If so let it run with the gate valve wide open
to get all plastic film out of it. Water level should be low in the body, not close to the top of the cup. After a day or so it should be broken in and you can set the water level. If you've already
done all of this and the water level is still to high check the
pumps to make sure they are getting enough air.
Mini I ran the skimmer for a day plus it is used. The water level is high. How can I check the pumps?
make sure nothing is blocking the air intakes. Mine had some castings flash on the inside of th venturi. I used a small drill bit to clean it out and its been great since. I keep my water level half way up the neck and skim like 1.5-2 gallons per day
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6540770#post6540770 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tomasz
Steve are you talking about the air intake on the pump?

yes, yank the hose off and look down in there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6547519#post6547519 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tomasz
The foam still over flows the cup? What is my problem?

The air intakes were unclogged? Where is your water level on the neck?
Steve, yes they are unclog. As of to the water in the skimmer it is about 2" below the taper on the main big pipe. Thanks for your help.
Something is keping enough air from getting into the venturi or the needle wheels have debris in them. I would pull the whole thing apart and inspect