help, my problem is...


New member
I put about 30 more lbs. of LR in my tank over a month ago. I had 2 huge mantis shrimp in the box that never made it into my tank (thank god). I noticed baby hatchlings at he time in my tank. I asked in this forum and was told surviving when very young is tuff for those little buggers. Someone here told me don't worry they'll die. Well they didn't. Any suggestions? anyone know of a fish that'll eat them or what I can do? I'd rather not wait until they get bigger to do this.

I've heard of doing a FW dip on your rock to make them come out....or try getting a mantis trap and catch them.

On a side note if you do catch them I'd be more then willing to take them off your hand...heehee....All of them in fact

I was probably the person who said they would die and I can't believe that they didn't. How big are the young in your tank? What color are they. Can you get a picture?

they look white, my tank is about 4 months old. They've been in my tank for probably 5-6 weeks. I will borrow a camera from a friend soon and snap some shots.
It sounds like an infestation of amphipods to me. If it is, they won't cause any problems. I wouldn't do anything to try to eliminate the "mantis shrimp" until you are sure that is what you are dealing with.
