Help My Ricordea Are Dying!!!!!!

Sad to hear...hope your issue is resolved and your rics are back to normal and decide to create a miracle and split like twice a day?!
Hi guys... I'm afraid my rics have this problem... They've been detaching themselves but other wise seem healthy, but today I noticed several bad signs.
one ric had two mouths, and looked like it was going to split, but today one of the mouths are gone, and just a hole remains.
another ric looks shrunken on one side, like another coral stung it but nothing is nearby. One of my rics that had detached and was in my rubble jar hoping that it would reattach, is starting to disinigrate and 2 other just don't look healthy, but no visable signs yet. I have 2 others that seem normal. I'm SO bummed, I don't want to lose any of my rics!

The only thing that has changed the last few days was that I took out my carbon, and dosed a small amount og trace elements because I thought my rics weren't attaching because they were lacking some nutrient.

Thoughts? I'll try to get pics.. or should I just start the freshwater iodine dips??
I wouldn't do FW/iodine dip unless you know for certain....That is a drastic last step.....Might want to try some other kind of coral dip though that could help or Tank water and some iodine....After many hours of watching and inspecting I figured out what I had and went through many steps till I got to the FW/iodine dip.....In your case I wouldn't do that Chyendra....
Just curious, do any of you who have the infestation have a mandarin goby in your tank? Would be great if it were bugs and their population could be desimated with a mandarin.
Ok... well. I don't want to take any drastic measures, especially since I'm going out of town for the weekend. I'm going to move the ones I can down to a lower part of the tank (maybe they don't like the strong, direct light?) and away from flow at least until I get back from the weekend and can further assess the damage. I just removed two heads of bleached fuzzy shrooms that never recovered and were begining to melt, so I'm wondering if they were causeing problems for my rics, or could have spread somthing to them. Here's a pic of one of my favorites :( He's probably the worst except for the detached one that got banged up before I could put it somewhere safe. That one is almost in pieces.

Well.. So far I've lost 3 rics completly and my Rhodactis :( the green one in the pic above is worse as I can't see the mouth any more. I have 2 that look better, but REFUSE to attach to anything. I've tried EVERYTHING! the last rics I put in a container with rubble on the bottem and netting over the top, disinigrated, so I'm not doing that again. My loose rics are sitting on the glass almost underneath a rock... I don't know what to do with them. I moved 3 down, to the bottem of the tank, because I'm not sure if my MH was too strong for them. I also diped the rock for 30s in iodine and tank water (very dilute iodine) So far, 1 fell off, 1 looks the same and 1 looks better. I give up with rics... they're too sensitive..
Can you please take one of the dying rics and put in into a 75% fitixive, vodka will work or plain alcohol and Ro water??? I will take it to Aquatouch and see if its bacterial (I suspect).

If you can also take a fresh sample and send it same day shipping that would be great! I will PM you my address.

Any help in getting this solved would be great, so future reefers can avoid this problem. Thanks!
So, I ended up losing three of my 9 rics, but the ones that where looking bad have recovered after the iodine dip and moving them to a lower position in the tank. The two that refused to attach have attached themselves to the glass on the bottem of the tank (barebottem) so I've let them stay there. My green ric is starting to grow back, and is almost completely healed. Sorry I couldn't send you one of the sick ones before it was too late.
I'm no expert on this subject. I came to this thread because I plan to add some ricordea.
For what it's worth, several sites that sell ricordea clearly state that they do not fare well under MH light.