Hi guys... I'm afraid my rics have this problem... They've been detaching themselves but other wise seem healthy, but today I noticed several bad signs.
one ric had two mouths, and looked like it was going to split, but today one of the mouths are gone, and just a hole remains.
another ric looks shrunken on one side, like another coral stung it but nothing is nearby. One of my rics that had detached and was in my rubble jar hoping that it would reattach, is starting to disinigrate and 2 other just don't look healthy, but no visable signs yet. I have 2 others that seem normal. I'm SO bummed, I don't want to lose any of my rics!
The only thing that has changed the last few days was that I took out my carbon, and dosed a small amount og trace elements because I thought my rics weren't attaching because they were lacking some nutrient.
Thoughts? I'll try to get pics.. or should I just start the freshwater iodine dips??