Help my Tang


New member
Hey Guys, I posted this a few days ago and didnt get any real answers. I figured I would try again. I have a 72gal reef 150lb LR. I have soft corals a clark clown and a yellow tang. The tang was always shy, but a few days ago, he began to hide. Now that he is coming out again, he looks like his fins have been bitten. There isnt anything in the tank that could do this. Any ideas?
Some Clarki's can be agressive. Has he been bothering the tang?

Also both my tangs, hippo and yellow sleep wedged in the rocks at night. if he was hiding for a few days could he have wedged himself in a bit to tight? I try to make sure i have plenty of varied sized spaces in the rocks for them to find the most comfy spot.

Not sure what the problem could be, but i would keep a close eye on him for parasites too. I think there is one that can make fins rot sorta? i am to new myself to be able to help much.

Good Luck
I suspect your clarcki, mine become the most evil sob almost overnight, I had to drain the tank down and get him out, he killed my gobies, shrimp, and cardinals. He now lives with his condy anemone in a 10g.