HELP!!! My tank is over flowing


Ex FMAS bod member
Premium Member
My tank is over flowing with frags. Luckily not water!!! I need to get rid of duplicates. As you can see in the first photo, that is a pic of my 180. Yes, it is my display tank and it looks terrible with all the frags. There are 2 racks hanging in there and the entire bottom is covered with frags. Of course I have a frag tank, but it is not set up yet. Its been in the garage for about 2 months.:(
Pm me. I will be in and out all weekend.

purple looking zoos<br>
with actinics I have a couple of sizes<br>
selling the 2 smaller pieces and 1 large keeping one large for me<br>
cabbage coral have 2 bigger ones also<br>
this is mother colony I have a piece that accidently broke off it has been on a plug for about 2 months $15.00<br>
blueish hairy mushroom<br>
green hairy mushroom<br>
have several of these $25-30 depending on size<br>I have some other frags but my photography sucks so I did not post the photos.
Lacy- you always have a way of drawing attention with your subject titles. Are you into Marketing? if not you should consider it. :cool:
large digi on the top left $55.00
first dibbs goes to flfireman1
second goes to Matt

Matt, I might be interested in trading if the first person does not get it.
Your the second person to tell me that. I have never been in advertising. I would go nuts in an office behind a computer all day. Besides, when I applied at the Enquirer, they said my headlines were to sensational!!!:lol:
Dont you just hate it when there is a headline and it is not at all what you thought it would be! I do.
Thanks for looking.
Interested in the purplish zoos and the blue hairy mushroom...Would you mind PM'ing me a price?


BTW...I'm actually happy that you're headline is misleading in this case! Much better to have a tank overflowing with frags than with water! :D
frags still available
you can stop by on your way to the meeting I am right down the street
there are others that are not listed

blue hairy mushroom is $25.00 It is about 4" +
purple zoos are 5 for $20.00